Welcome to our growing resource list

Effects of Micro-Plastics in the Environment
Turning the Tide on Plastic, Lucy Siegle, 2018

Effects of Micro-Plastics on Human Health

Micro-Plastic related work done by companies and industries

Micro-Plastic related work done by activists and NGOs

Micro-Plastic related work done by local authorities and policy makers


Related artists, designers and researchers

Susan Schuppli, Can the Sun Lie?, 2014, www.susanschuppli.com

Susan Schuppli, Trace Evidence, 2016, www.susanschuppli.com

Sophie Dyer, Gabriela Ivens, “What would a feminist open source Investigation look like?, 2020

Liam Young (Unknown Fields Division), Lithium Dreams, 2015, www.unknownfieldsdivision.com

Nerea Calvillo, In the Air, 2011, www.cmasarquitectos.net

Margaret Wertheim and Christine Wertheim, The Crochet Coral Reef, 2015, www.crochetcoralreef.org

Mark Dion, Tate Thames Dig, 1999, www.tate.org.uk

Xandra van der Eijk, www.xandravandereijk.nl

Related art exhibitions

Anthropocene Observatory
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), 2013–2014

De Hollandse Savanne
Museum De Domijnen (Sittard), 2018

Microplastics Exhibition
Sewer Museum (Brussels), 2021 – open until 19 June 2021

Documentaries and videos

Oceans: The Mystery of the Missing Plastic
Vincent Perazio, 53 min, 2016

The Mermaids’ Tears: Oceans of Plastic
Sandrine Feydel, 54 min, 2009

Chris Jordan, 97 min, 2017

Into Eternity
Michael Madsen, 75 min, 2010

Extinction Rebellion and the Battle of the Century
Alizée Chiappini and Adèle Flaux, 82 min, 2019

Books and articles

Against the Anthropocene – Visual Culture and Environment Today, T.J. Demos, 2017

Living Earth – Field Notes from the Dark Ecology Project 2014–2016, Robert Young, 2016

Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World, Timothy Morton, 2013

Sifting the Trash: A History of Design Criticism, Alice Twemlow, 2017

Facing Gaia – Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime, Bruno Latour, 2017

Textures of the Anthropocene: Grain Vapor Ray, Katrin Klingan, Ashkan Sepahvand, Christoph Rosol and Bernd M. Scherer, 2015

Forensis – The Architecture of Public Truth, Anselm Franke and Eyal Weizman, 2014

Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth, Buckminster Fuller, 1968