Plastic Health Summit
14 October 2021

Student projects from across the participating academies in The Hague, Reykjavík, Barcelona, London and Vilnius will be part of Plastic Health Summit on 21 October 2021. In their works, students examine topics like marine debris, aeroplastics, scientific vocabulary and recyclable materials among others. The final outcomes were developed after one semester of independent field work and interviews conducted with experts in the field of science, biology and geology. Using storytelling skills from the practices of filmmaking and design, students translated their quantitive findings into time-based and interactive works that offer a personal, accessible, often non-linear reading of the complex problem of micro-plastics.
Student participants
Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavík: Rakel Gróa Gunnarsdóttir, Jakob Hermannsson, Jóhanna Guðrún Jóhannsdóttir, Þórir Georg Jónsson and Sigrún Hanna Ómarsdótttir Löve
Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague: Jeroen van de Bogaert, Jan Johan Draaistra, Camilla Kövecses, Coco Maier, Paul Mielke, Blandine Molin, Niels Otterman, Daan Veerman, Talita Virgíni de Lima and Thais Akina Yoshitake López
Elisava, Barcelona: Silvia Giménez Puig, Sara Maestro Gómez, Diego Quílez Garcés, Jaume Sans Llorente and Natalia Soto Ceballos
Vilnius Academy of Art: Evelina Germanovic and Emilis Jonaitis
Central Saint Martins, London: Jasmine Key, Georgia Morrison, Libby Higgins, Zac Procter, Max King and Jordan Sterry
Lauren Alexander, Ragnar Freyr Pálsson, Raúl Goñi Fernandez, Peter Hall, Audrius Klimas, Lizzie Malcolm, María Isabel Ordóñez Pizarro, Dan Powers, Alisa Raides, Niels Schrader and Abbie Vickress
Aparajita Dutta, Femke de Haan, Simcha van Helden and Þorgerður Edda Hall
Exhibition design
Louise Rietvink and Judy Wetters
Special thanks to
Mike Anane, Patricia Corcoran, Katarzyna Cwiertka, Ama van Dantzig, Heather Davis, Evelien Davidson, Laura Díaz Sánchez, Marilyn Donkor, Ingrid Grünwald, Fenna Hup, Marit van der Meulen, David Muñoz-Alcántara, Annemarie Nederhoed, Madhuri Prabhakar, Brooke Singer, Alice Twemlow, Anna van der Vliet and Donald Weber