Plastic Justice Assembly, 24th June 2022
2 June 2022

Plastic Justice Assembly
Takes place at the Royal Conservatoire, The Hague
On 24th June 2022, 10:00 – 17:00
Hosted by MA Non Linear Narrative
Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
Registration is open!
Plastic Justice Assembly is a one-day conference bringing together experts from across journalism, activism and design to present a series of research methods, tackling environmental issues and public health accountability. The event will also discuss contemporary approaches of integrating climate justice in education. Plastic Justice Assembly will be a dissemination platform for all the project output to date including; the Plastic Justice Case File (repository – website), Plastic Justice Verdict (policy brief) and the Plastic Justice Teachers Guide.
Campaign image by: Amber Meekel, Jack Oomes, Lucy Gengler and Elzé Vilkelyté
10:00 – 10:10 h
Welcome by Ranti Tjan (Director KABK)
10:10 – 10:30 h
Short introduction to Plastic Justice Strategic Partnership Project (Erasmus+)
Isabel Ordóñez and Abbie Vickress
10:30 – 11:10 h
Keynote 1, Mapping
Paul Hamilton (United Kingdom)
art director at One Another
Visualising environmental research
11:10 – 11:50 h
Keynote 2, Education
Juliet Ferguson, Centre for Investigative Journalism (United Kingdom)
investigative journalist and programme manager of the Open Climate Reporting Initiative
Environmental investigations of the OCRI at CIJ
11:50 – 12:30 h
Keynote 3, Resistance
Hilde Brontsema, Milieudefensie (The Netherlands)
filmmaker and campaigner
Milieudefensie’s lawsuit against Shell
12:30 – 13:30 h
Lunch break
13:30 – 14:30 h
Round table talks with speakers
1. Hilde Brontsema
2. Paul Hamilton
3. Juliet Ferguson
14:30 – 15.00h
Hand over Plastic Justice Verdict (policy brief)
by Isabel Ordóñez and Audrius Klimas
15.00 – 15:45 h
Presentation of Teachers Guide Book
by Peter Hall, Hrefna Sigurðardóttir and Sakis Kyratzis
15.45 – 16.10 h
Presentation of Plastic Justice Case Files (online repository)
by Niels Schrader and Lauren Alexander
16.10 – 16:30 h
Aparajita Dutta
16.30 – 17.00h